Thursday 7 December 2017

OLC Beach Day

Just a couple of reminders for the OLC Beach Day...

Students are to come in free dress with clothing appropriate for the beach. 

Please make sure your child comes with suncream already applied, packed recess and lunch, towel and a hat. All students must wear a rashie!

We will arrive at the beach at 11.45am. We will have lunch when we arrive and then we will hit the activities. You are welcome to join us for any part of the day.

We will be departing at approximately 2.30pm to come back to school. 

Reports will be handed to the students back at school at the end of the day.

Have a great day!

Monday 4 December 2017

Final Week 2017

Hi parents,

Welcome to the final week of the school year!

I just wanted to say a big thank you for your support during the year. It has been a great first year at OLC and I am looking forward to what the future holds in the years to come.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Year’s!

God has something great in your future.” Isaiah 43:19

Your child will be bringing home their learning journeys this Thursday. You will find some numeracy rubrics in there as well as their writing pieces.

It would be beneficial for all students to continue some home learning over the break. If you need some ideas, come and see me.

All children will be able to access Mathletics and Reading Eggs over the holidays and remember that the local library will be open to cure some holiday boredom!!

The children will begin to bring home their textbooks and workbooks over the week. We will try to space it out so they are not carrying everything in one go.

Please get your permission slips into me ASAP. Hopefully, I will get to see as many of you there as possible.

Enjoy the week,

Mr. Jones