Sunday 19 February 2017

Term 1 - Week 4

Hi parents,

What a great weekend! Fantastic conditions to get out of the house and amongst nature. I look forward to all the children's stories on Monday morning. 

Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." Mother Teresa

Thank you to all of you that monitored your child's home learning last week. Just a quick reminder that each task should be written and ticked on the day it has been completed. You can sign your name at the end of each day or just once at the end of the week.

The class readers are boxed and ready for your child's home reading. Every Monday, Mrs Jasper or myself will change your child's reader so there is no need for you to do this. I am currently having some stickers made up, which will go into their diary on a Monday. The stickers are a way to track where all the readers are going and they will have a space for Mrs Jasper or myself to write what they are returning and what they are taking. 

Another quick reminder that if you have any suitable games that are gathering dust at home, Year 3 would love to borrow them for the year. If you do have any, just bring them into class during gathering time.

A parent roster will be coming soon and will begin in Week 5. If you are interested in donating your time for an hour in the morning (maybe the odd afternoon), let me know what days you are available.

The following tasks should be completed each night:
1.    Reading (readers) - 10mins
2.    Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 and Day 4 of mental maths. (Day 5 will be completed on Friday during class) please note that your child may complete more than 1 day on any night, however, it is necessary that you mark their work with them once completed.

The following tasks are only required to be completed once:
1.    Physical activity (includes team or club sport, dancing etc) - 15mins
2.    Teach your parents something you were taught at school.
3.    Play a game with an adult.
4.    Housework - Help mum or dad prepare a family meal.
When a task has been completed, your child is required to tick it off in the diary.

The strategy mentioned below was the focus for last week.

Visualising: Visualising (or painting a picture) is one of the easiest strategies to teach, as children are usually doing it already as they read. It is important to help students understand that we all have our own unique way of seeing and there is no right or wrong way. Visualising can be a very sensory experience. Some questions you could ask your child during or after reading are: 
1.    When you read those words, what can you see in your mind?
2.    What can you imagine?
3.    What can you feel?
4.  What can you hear?

This week we will be learning some mental addition strategies and investigating length and area.

Enjoy the week,

Mr. Jones